SKMCA has proudly been hosting our first Bariatric Surgery Visiting Physician Program September 28-29. The program was planned by Dr Mikael Ekelund, Consultant Surgeon at SKHG, in collaboration with the ETR department.
On the first day more than 30 surgeons and OT-nurses did practical laparoscopic training at the Clinical Training Center, University of Sharjah.
The second day was filled with interesting lectures covering many aspects of obesity and obesity treatment with obesity surgery being in focus. Professor of Surgery Magnus Sundbom from Uppsala University Hospital, Sweden, enlighted the audience with several interesting lectures. Mr Tobias Antonsson, Master of Surgical Nursing and experienced bariatric nurse, held interesting lectures about outpatient care and multidisciplinary approach to obesity.
The meeting was very successful and inspiring. We hope this will be a starting point for bariatric surgery at SKMCA.